Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 1 Rankings

Individual Rankings: (point totals in parenthesis)

Jennie, Mark, Joshua, Kristi (73 points)
Jan (71)
April (70)
Shauna (69)
Laura (68)
Kate (63)
Kristin (52)
Jenny (50)
Dawn (0)

Team Rankings: (point averages in parenthesis)

Team 1 (73)
Team 4 (70)
Blonde and "Blonde" (66.5)
Team 2 (63.67)
Team 5 (26)

We have four players TIED for first place, with perfect points! And Team 1 (Jennie, Mark, and Joshua) are leading! Great job, everyone. On to Week 2!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Non-monetary Prize

We've ended up having the majority of players opt NOT to play for prizes, so we'll simply dispense with the prize money component entirely for this round. Instead, we'll all play for a non-monetary prize: At the end of the game, the individual winner, and the winning team, will each get to request something from all other players/teams that will cost 30-60 minutes of time and effort. The only way to get off without doing ANYTHING at the end of the game is to be the individual winner and be on the winning team. If you are not the individual winner, but are on the winning team, then you'll only have to give what the individual winner requests. The winning team will determine, as a team, what they'd like from the other teams. Examples of things the winning individual/team could request from the losers:

"Send me your top 5-10 quick-and-easy dinner/breakfast recipes."

"Compose a 2-page essay about a subject you have background or expertise in, with a focus on what you think would be relevant and useful to me."

"Send me your best ideas for successful 'Family Home Evening' lessons, or other family activities/games."

"Upload a video of yourself singing a song you compose about how awesome I am. Share it with the Heptathlon Facebook group."

The options are endless!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Round 2 Starts March 21!

The first round was so much fun, we decided it's time for a second round! It will start March 21. The rules will stay the same, but there will be an adjustment to bonus points. Last time we allowed players to play in either "weight loss mode" or "maintenance mode". This time, there will be no modes, because essentially, everyone will be playing in "maintenance mode". You'll record your starting weight at the beginning of the game, and every week thereafter you'll receive one bonus point for staying at or below your starting weight.

Also, we will allow players to choose whether or not they would like to compete for prize money. Those who choose to play for prizes will pay $20 up front. Those who just want to play for "fun" will pay nothing, but can receive no prize money if they win. When we arrange the teams, we'll need all members of any given team to be playing the same way, either for money, or for "fun".

Another minor change from Round 1: Rather than communicating through email, I'd like to try communicating instead through the Healthy Habits Heptathlon group on Facebook, and this blog. Weekly, I'll post updated individual and team rankings, the same as we did for Round 1.

As before, the game will run for 8 weeks. It will end on Monday, May 16.

If you'd like to play Heptathlon Round 2, please send me the following by Sunday, March 20:

1. The people you'd like to request as teammates, if applicable. (At least one other person. If you can't find someone to play on your team, but would still like to play, I'll try to find you a team or add you to an existing team.)

2. $20, if applicable. This can be sent to me through Paypal as a personal transfer, or as a personal check or cash via snail mail. (My email and address are in a doc on the Healthy Habits Heptathlon group on Facebook, to which you can be added if you're interested in playing the game.)